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32oz bottle of Colloidal Silver.

10-12 ppm

Anti-biotic, antiseptic solution. 

Colloidal Silver is a solution that allows all bacterica, fungi, parasites and viruses to NOT re-colonize and be destroyed.

Colloidal Silver

    • INTERNALLY: First does should be 4 oz., followed by maintenance doses of 1-2 oz. every 8-12 hours.
    • NASEL COLD/FLU & ALLERGY SYMPTOMS: Use an eye droper full in each nostril, sniff & hold for 4-6 seconds, also take 2 oz. by mouth. Repeat within one hour. 
    • INTERNAL USE: The treated area must be kept wet with Colloidal Silver  for at least 80 minutes, OR reapply Colloidal Silver between 35-45 minutes after original application. 
  • Products will be shipped through the USPS

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